1 definition by Magniesenie

A Meets is a person who has hair everywhere on their body excluding the top of their heads. Topless Meets's are commonly mistaken for rough bears on the beach and have led to many false animal control calls. They imitate the Walt Disney character Goofy when walking, this is due to their feet merging with their vellies.

A Meets can be found in areas with a high concentration of females, and will be observed to travel a few meters behind the female specimens.

A Meets has the able to buy anything from anyone at their desired price. In extreme cases a Meets can even negotiate to the point where a salesperson will pay the Meets to take the item.

A common disability known to pop up in the Meets bloodline is color blindness, this is due to their genetic tendency to stare directly at the Sun.

A Meets will make one of the most reliable friends and have a heart of gold.

An example animal control call is supplied:
911: "911 whats your emergency"
Karen: "a bear, there is a Bear on the Beach"
911: "Mam are you sure it is not the youngest member of the meets family, does he have hair on top of his head"
Karen: "Not a single hair"
911: " Mam what you have encountered today was not a bear, it was a Meets. To confirm that it is n Meets and not a bear please describe the way it walks"
Karen: " His walk resembles that of Goofy"
911: "Then it is indeed a meets, mam should I refer a counselor to you to help you recover from the dramatic experience?"
Karen: "Yes please"
Mr Meets just bought a burger and got a tip from the waiter.
by Magniesenie August 19, 2022
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