91 definitions by MO

One who has engaged in sexual acts with women so horribly fat that they were consumed by the females genitles.
-"Fuck me, baby."
-"Hell yea! Ooo yeah, baby, just like that!....Hey...whats happening?!..HEY! Stop it! STOP IT! Help me!!! HELP MEEE!! AAGHGGHHHH............."
-"...Goddammit, there goes another one. Fucking shantarooni!"
by MO March 25, 2004
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1) One who feels compelled to spout out catch phrases every one or two minues
2) One who lies compulsively
-"Hey dude, are you coming to the party tonight?"
-"I'm playing it by the hour."
-"What the fuck? That was very shantarooni of you."
-"Oh, sorry."
-"Hey, you promise to play football and take us to the movies later?"
-"Dude, of course guys, you're my BROTHERS! And we stick together right?"
...3 Hours Later...
-"Yo, you promised man! Don't pull another Shantarooni!"
-"I'm playing it by the hour."
by MO March 25, 2004
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"man look at derty yo"
damn dertyz fine
by MO May 29, 2004
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similar to a shithole. defines a loser's life.
My life is a living hellhole!
by MO February 26, 2004
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Sun Jian fought in the Yellow Turban Rebellion,then he became governor of Chang Sha,he found the Imperial Seal in a well,he stole it,and then he was killed in an ambush set up by Liu Biao,Sun Jian was the founder of the Wu dynasty,and he was posthumously named Martially Great Emperor in 229 A.D.Wu was later ruled by his two sons Sun Ce and Sun Quan
Sun Jian lived from 156 A.D.-192 A.D.Sun Jian was also known as the Tiger of Jiang Dong
by MO June 6, 2004
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School with the most beach blondes, suv's, cocaine addicts, sexy surfer boys, year round tanned skin, and where hot chicks made out together at parties in million dollar houses beachside
2 years ago a girl from 2000 senior class died of a cocaine overdose. She was blonde, thin, hot, rich, tan, and made out with other hot chicks. typical cox girl
by MO March 29, 2004
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Sun Quan was the second son of Sun Jian,after his brother Sun Ce died,he ruled Wu,he became the Emperor of Wu in 229 A.D.he died in the year 252 A.D.
Sun Quan lived from 182 A.D.-252 A.D.
by MO June 6, 2004
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