91 definitions by MO

God, holy being, supernaturally awesome one.
I worship Mo the almightly
by MO September 7, 2004
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An utterence used in frustration. Especially after a frag.
Flargh! You killed me!
by MO March 18, 2004
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When ur angry about something. Your brewing over.
I was brewing about that!
I'm brewing at the moment!
by MO January 14, 2005
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from yag, gay, homo
papa wolff didn't raise no yaggot
by MO April 16, 2004
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1)A derogitory term used for one who is addicted to black pornography.
2)A term used to describe one who is infatuated with the act of injesting pubic hairs.
-"Jesus H Christ...thats a lot of black porn...you're a fuckin Sameerian!"
-"Hey lay off! I deleted it...but it just kept coming back!"
-"This chicken tastes funny"
-"Oh, sorry...I thought you were a Sameerian!"
by MO March 24, 2004
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