1 definition by MJewels86

A Catfish is a person that is not in touch with reality. They use social media outlets to pretend to be someone they aren't. Using all platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and even Tumblr to pretend to be someone else. Some even go to such lengths as creating an "ask.com" account to ask themselves questions to "appear" more real. They don't know who they truly are, and they are not satisfied with who they are in real life. So they create this false "reality" to feel accepted.

A catfish is also a bit sociopathic. They begin to believe they are who they are pretending to be, in pure denial to the point where even when they are found out and caught in their lie, they refuse to admit that they've been lying and they will keep it going.

Often times, a Catfish will not Skype, video chat and sometimes they won't even talk on the phone, as that will reveal their true identity so they avoid that at all cost. They will come up with every and any excuse in the book as to why they cannot have a video chat with you.

A Catfish lies about who they are, where they are from, they even lie about the family they have. Everything about their entire being is usually always a complete lie.

These characteristics can also be diagnosed as "Dissociative Identity Disorder" in which the individual has multiple personalities in which they have developed individual names, personal history and characteristics for their other personality.
After all of these years of being online friends, it's hard to cope with the fact that Lloyd is really a catfish.
by MJewels86 October 7, 2015
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