19 definitions by Lumlotus

Where a feminazi judges other women on what they wear. They will use male gaze as an excuse for force another women to cover up but in reality they themselves are sexualizing women and probably just jealous you have an asset that they don't.
Feminazi: You have to cover up those breast. Did you know you're probably make some man hard?

Busty woman: Bitch I'm not going let some feminist gaze or male gaze stop me from expressing myself.
by Lumlotus September 6, 2018
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Female who uses games for status, game items, and money rather than actually being interested in gaming. Not to be confused with gamers who are girls. Gamer girls are usually high maintenance and lack any real skill in video games. They expect you to pay special attention to them and will easily get jealous of gamers who are girls. If they aren't getting the top gear and items from you, assuming you're a male they are trying to impress, they will throw fits. If you display any type of behavior they believe inappropriate they will throw fits and if you make a career in gaming they will do their best to get you fired. They are entitled little brats who think they are rare creatures who should be treated like princesses just because they happen to be female nevermind the fact women are not actually rare in the gaming community and are also annoyed by this childish behavior.
Gamer girl: OMG this dude just teabagged me!
Girl Gamer: Bitch I'm female. Instead of being such whiny gamer girl why don't you get some real skills so you won't fail so bad at playing.
by Lumlotus April 9, 2018
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A lesbian transtrender with a dissociative disorder.
Basically any female who thinks they are transgender but because they are so homophobic that can't get over the fact that they are a lesbian.
That girl is not trans, she's a butch in a binder.
by Lumlotus August 3, 2019
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When you're so against white people you become a supremacist for every other race.
Karen: I hate white people. I just wish they would just die already.
Billy: Gee Karen that is very anti-white supremacist of you.
by Lumlotus November 24, 2021
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Anyone you absolutely hate with a seething passion. They may not be literally Hitler, but you will make things up about them to make them sound like they could be Hitler just to get others to hate them too. Unfortunately, if caught or if anyone disagrees with you may end up blocking or cutting ties with people.
Person A: Jasmine is literally Hitler, she killed her baby sister.
Person B: But Jasmine's little sister is sitting on my lap. She alive to me.
by Lumlotus December 9, 2016
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Same as femsplaining and usually used after a feminazi uses mansplaining as an insult.
feminazi: "Don't be mansplaining to me."
Man: "Then don't be womsplaining to me."
by Lumlotus December 7, 2016
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A cuck who is in a relationship with someone who only uses them for sex. The only reason they are with them still is because of the delusion that the person using them actually cares for them.
Josh thought Linda loved him but in reality she friend with benefits zoned him.
by Lumlotus May 26, 2018
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