1 definition by Lshiner18

A baller of extreme porportions. He often enjoys haning out with his friends and being a damn fine brother. Noman's moft often can be found in hookah bars, or chilling with hot babes. Usually Noman's like cars and Persian music. Noman's are very dependable when you need them to be. This kind of person has your back. Also has an amazing sense of humor. Like his name says he is a blessing to have around.

Gender: Male

Origin/Usage: Muslim

Meaning: Men with all blessings of Allah
Friend 1: Dude what are you doing tonight?
Friend 2: I don't know. I'm thinking of hitting up the hookah bar.

Friend 2: Hell yeah man he so funny and he is a total CHICK MAGNET!
by Lshiner18 April 11, 2010
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