333 definitions by Lorelili

(1907-1915) A ship contemporary with the Titanic. One of the biggest and fastest ocean liners of her time, this four-funneled luxury liner was carrying a secret cargo of military supplies for the British in WWI; Germany, blockaded by the British, newly-equipped with U-boats (which Churchill ordered rammed on site), and aware of this smuggling on the part of the British, warned that any British or American ship thought to be carrying war supplies would be liable to attack, regardless of the safety of passengers or crew. The 1259 passengers and 701 crew who boarded the Lusitania on May 1, 1915, paid little attention, largely unaware of the contraband bullets and shrapnel that the ship carried.
On May 7, as lunchtime ended within sight of Ireland's south coast, the Lusitania was hit by a torpedo from a German u-boat, followed by a much bigger secondary explosion (likely a steam-pipe explosion). Listing sharply toward the wound in her starboard side, she sank in only 18 minutes, taking 1195 men, women, and children with her.
123 of the 159 Americans on board were killed, plus 94 of the 129 children on board (including 35 of 39 infants), indirectly goading the United States to enter the war on Britain's side.
The passengers of the Lusitania naively refused to believe that a submarine would attack a passenger ship, let alone one as fast as the Lusitania.

May 7, just 11.5 miles from the Irish coast, a torpedo rocked the ship. Listing sharply to starboard and continuing at full speed for two miles, she had lost control. Panic ensued as she plunged under the surface, head-first.
Power was soon lost, trapping many below-decks and a number in the first-class elevators.
The starboard lifeboats swung away from the ship, while the port boats swung inward; although the ship had 48 lifeboats, only six starboard boats would be safely lowered while many others tipped or were lowered on top of each other. The port boats had to slide down the hull, splintering as they snagged on rivets, while one broke loose and careened down the boat deck, crushing passengers who were not already injured on the sloping decks. The maimed littered the deck and a sea that was choked with floating debris.
While parents tried to find their children in the frenzy, children squealed for their parents. Many put on their life-jackets upside-down and backwards in the panic.
In less than twenty minutes, the Lusitania was gone, taking the trapped to the bottom and leaving several hundred more at the surface to die of hypothermia.
The Lusitania casualties were tiny compared to the soldiers who died daily at the front, but they got an immediate reaction; not even civilians were safe.
by Lorelili January 10, 2014
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The high male singing voice in opera, choir, and music in general, with a singing range from C3 (an octave below middle C) to C5 (a man's high C) an octave above.

Situated between the contralto and baritone, the tenor usually plays the male lead in opera and musical theater, usually a young romantic hero.

Many pop singers are tenors, although the vocal subcategories used in opera are not applied to them. Examples include Justin Timberlake, Clay Aiken, Adam Lambert, Matthew Morrison, Darren Criss, Chord Overstreet, Freddy Mercury, Steven Tyler, and Adam Pascal.
According to vocal weight/voice type and range, tenors are usually divided into five different categories:

countertenor: has the same singing as speaking voice as a regular tenor, but his natural range is in the alto (or even soprano) register.

Leggiero ("light") tenor: flexible voice with a very high range, he's a vocal acrobat.

Lyric tenor: A strong, sweet, lightweight voice usually reserved for the boy next door and other vulnerable, naive charcters. Examples include Roberto Alagna and Luciano Pavarotti.

Spinto tenor: A lyric voice with a strong dramatic edge, a bridge between lyric and dramatic. Examples include Placido Domingo and Mario Lanza.

Dramatic tenor: A powerful, emotive, edgy voice which is suited to bold, tragic heroes. Examples include Mario del Monaco and Jose Cura
by Lorelili July 5, 2011
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Somebody who plays the piano...

It's starting to sound like another word: a word for part of the male reproductive anatomy. A favorite among men (nudge nudge, wink wink)
The pianist walked onto the stage, carrying a candleabra.

The boy happily hugged his pianist, eager to start with playing the organ.
by Lorelili December 18, 2005
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The fear of germs and contamination, the technical term for "germophobia".
His mysophobia went full blast and he screamed when a homeless man hugged him.
by Lorelili March 4, 2011
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A fictitious word introduced in Mary Poppins. Thought to be a nonsense word, but it contains elements of real Greek and Latin roots:

super: above, over, extreme
cali: beauty
fragilistic: delicate
expiali: to atone, to make amends
docious: educable, able to learn
Put together, "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" translates roughly to "atoning for educability through delicate beauty" or "atoning for extreme and delicate beauty while remaining highly educable".
by Lorelili July 17, 2011
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1) A low-lying plant growth.

2) Slang for a female's pubic hair, but can refer to a male's pubic hair.

3) The 41st and 43rd "presidents". Both of them suck(ed).

4) One of the most hated, inept, uninclusive, idiotic "president"s. He wanted to be president merely for the glory of being the son of a previous president and won dur to a rigged election. He is not known for his leadership skills or for proficiency in his own language. He is known, however, for creating elaborate lies/misleading the American people; for contradicting himself; for failing to find Osama Bin Laden; for starting a war in Iraq when they had nothing to do with the September 11th attacks; for responding to the attacks by just reading to elementary-school children; for leading the U.S. to believe that there were weapons of mass distruction all over the Middle East when there was really nothing there; for mangling names/words; for stunting so much progress in women's rights, gay rights, and protecting the environment, thanks to his bigoted, short-sighted beliefs; and for disgracing the United States.
I was hoping that Gore (and later, Kerry) would lick Bush, but my hope was crushed and we have to deal with the stupid fuck for two terms, and be disgraced and sunken even further. While he and his goddamn W.A.S.P. conservative cronies celebrate extravagantly, there's animals and plants in danger of extinction, and there's people who have next to nothing.
by Lorelili November 26, 2005
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Being sexually active with many different people. Depending on its use, it can be good or bad.

Men, as they have usually set the standards, are rarely regarded/looked down upon as promiscuous. Women, on the other hand, aren't so lucky, despite that the tide is turning in their favor.

Still, sexual behavior has little, if anything, to do with someone as a person. Somebody can be very active sexually and yet be caring and thoughtful at the same time... although it doesn't apply to everyone.
Britney Spears has a reputation for being promiscuous. She's the epitome of the vamp... or slut, as I should probably say.

How many men/women does a woman have to sleep with to be concidered promiscuous? 10? 7? 5? 3? 2? 1?

Promiscuous women are (often unfairly) known as harlots, sluts, and whores, among other things.

How many men/women does a man have to sleep with to be concidered promiscuous? 10? 50? 100? 500? 2,000?

Promiscuous men are usually known as studs... or lechers or dirty old men, depending on the age of the man or who he is.
by Lorelili October 29, 2005
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