4 definitions by Lemming

Someone who's right on the cusp of sexual activity; derived from "verging" and "virgin." And yes, this is tongue-in-cheek.
Crystal was fixin' to have sex with Trevor, but I think she's still a vergin.
by Lemming November 13, 2003
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puke, barf, chuck, hurl, toss your cookies/lunch, up-chuck (similar to "chuck"), ralph, pray to the porcelain god,
Micheal ate bad lintels during lunch, so he is going to VOMIT in the trashcan.
by Lemming October 24, 2003
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Being both geeky and awkward.
Being a n00b in the room made her feel gawkward.
by Lemming August 24, 2004
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1: news
2: a television station claiming to mean 'news'
"WBZ means 'news.'"
by Lemming November 18, 2003
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