22 definitions by LINDAR

the absurdly popular televisation of a bunch of shameless
morons who sit around a house, talking,getting drunk , having sex and being boring all in the hope of winning millions of dollars.
Oh, and getting drunk and getting drunk..
"OMG!!I have to watch Big Brother tonight!!!
PersonA is nominating PersonB because they
don't like the colour of their fingernails"
by LINDAR May 27, 2006
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a word people sometimes use to describe fat girls,
in turn causing those ones with truly good, curvy figures
to believe they ,too, are fat.
An idiot might say, "Of course, you don't need to diet, 10
tonne Tessy. You be proud of your "curves". It's healthy to be completely obese.Because it means you aren't skinny."

by LINDAR May 29, 2006
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what Joan Rivers attempts to be
what I am in fact attempting to be
We all attempt it.
Some of us succeed, some of us fail.
Some of us are "funny" without meaning to be.This is the less desired type of "funny".
Some of us try to be the first kind of "funny" (the good kind) but instead become the other kind.(eg;Joan Rivers(and possibly me) )
Always make sure you are funny-haha, and not funny-peculiar.Make people laugh with you and not at you.
However, it can be difficult for some people to avoid funny-peculiarness.
Even more alarming, some people strive for this disturbing type of funny.eg; Paris Hilton or Jessica Simpson, just to name two.(Also, see words such as silly, Stupid, ridiculous and bimbotastic...if that word is even here..is it?It should be, you know.
example 1; "HAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!Good one, I'm laughing and my sides hurt, I love banana jokes, good on you!!"(followed by more laughter.If the laughter becomes hysterical or uncontrollable, it is possible that you have exceeded yourself into hilarious territory.That's "funny" times 2.COngratulations.

example 2; "Stay away from that old guy in the hat and overcoat who wanders around the park all day.I think he seems a little bit "funny" (see also weird )


"You're a "funny" little thing aren't you?"
(this is seldom a compliment (although anyone who is "a funny little thing" may take it as one.


"Jessica Simpson thinks fish have wings and they fly.Isn't that funny?"
(you don't EVER want to be THAT "funny")
by LINDAR May 27, 2006
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This is not a definition.
This is a letter to the Urban Dictionary editors,
I see you have no place for any of us to get in touch with you, to send an email or make a complaint.How very convenient.
Is this what you call "editing", some of the people on this site sre sick in the head, and there are alot of posts you should NOT be allowing.
Firstly, it is not ok or normal to be attracted to little children.It is SICK.

Dear Urban Dictionary, ARE YOU READING THIS???
There is a man on this site claiming he finds little girls "hot" and saying offensive things.

There are other subjects in which people are being ofensive also.I am talking Highly Offensive.
For example, the last entry under the word christians.
It's one thing to allow free speech, but this is criminal negligence, and I suggest you do something about it.
Stop letting people get away with horrific posts.
Are you paying attention??
A pedophile is an amoral sicko.
by LINDAR May 30, 2006
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a giant yellow deranged fruit that dresses in pyjamas
and chases teddy bears.

by LINDAR May 29, 2006
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a heartless and conniving type of cruelty with intentions to destroy
She has an evil sister
by LINDAR May 28, 2006
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