2 definitions by Krendall

A professional wrestling term used to describe when the face-in-peril finally makes the tag to his tag team partner. The partner comes into the ring and for a while seems invincible, as he's able to take on both opponents with ease. This sequence usually leads to the end of the match.
William Regal makes the hot tag to Eugene, and he goes wild, beating both opponents while the crowd cheers him on.
by Krendall October 26, 2005
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This is a professional wresting term used to refer to the babyface who gets beat up for the majority of a tag team match.
Ricky Morton of the Rock 'N' Roll Express almost always was the face-in-peril during their matches. So much so that another term people use is "playing Ricky Morton."
by Krendall October 26, 2005
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