1 definition by KKtrina

This show is amazing, y'all should watch it.

The Unlisted is a Netflix original about two male twins named Drupad and Kalpen Sharma. One day, there's a dentist checkup at their school the presumably needed an approval by parents in order for their child to be "checked"

It turns out it's an organization known as The Global Child Initiative(GCI)(Infinity Group) embedded implants in the jawbones of children, allowing them to control their mind, track them, things like that. This is a secret to everyone.

Because Drupad had a nightmare about the dentist that morning, he wanted Kalpen to take his place. Kal agreed and got Dru's implant.

When Dru finds out about this whole implant thing, he figured that they were tracking their phones too, so they use walkie talkies to communicate. They go test them out when they discover other kids named Gemma, Jacob, Kymara and Rose were on the same frequency as them. They decide to meet up and they share information about the implants, Infinity Group, etc.

They eventually start working together to take down Infinity Group.

This show is amazing and I recommend it! I would consider it sci-fi horror or something since there are some creepy elements... I guess
1. Arwen:Did you catch up on The Unlisted yet? Yknow, from the sleepover

Arwen:Honestly, I don't know how Maddie thought it was creepy, she literally watches Stranger Things!
Amelia:Stranger things is not that creepy....

Arwen:I never watched Stranger Things so IDK
by KKtrina April 15, 2020
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