84 definitions by KIM

A low-life from a trailor park. This type of person most likely will be seen with Circle K Feet and a Kool-Aid smile. It's also a term to describe a loose or easy female. Another name for someone who is a professional bowler with a bad combover.
Two scaliwags were arrested in the trailor park last night for stealing a 10-speed.
by KIM June 30, 2004
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A wonderful place to express your concerns about life. Responses often include "no one care" or "but did you get head?"
You: I went for a wonderful walk along the beach with my girlfriend tonight

Them1: No one care.
Them2: But did you get head?
by KIM September 27, 2004
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a form of affection or kissing between two people that when x-rayed would look like a worm fight. Two slimy things going at it. It is also often referred to as spit swapping, tonsul hockey, tounge dancing, or worm wrestling.
I hate it when people are frenching in the hallway they should get a room.
by KIM March 2, 2004
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To run off and get married so you can be truthful to god and still do it..
I am going to elope with my luva Chris.
by KIM November 29, 2003
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very large teeth (starting something with a c is a slang way of saying that something is extra large, orig. from the word cankle )
That boy's mouth is so big because of those huge ceeth.
by KIM October 26, 2004
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One of the best love movies that only people with no heart say is a piece of shit, but only because they know they'll never experience anything close to love because they are heartless assholes in which nobody likes.
John: Moulin Rouge is a piece of shit!
Mary: You only think that because you're a heartless asshole that no one likes!
by KIM December 31, 2005
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guys with boobs
whoa his boyboobs are bigger than mine!!
by KIM December 16, 2003
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