13 definitions by KD5PBO

One who uses Windows as the result of a conscious decision. Usually fairly apt at doing what they want to do, but no more.
See that illogical kid over there? He's a windows user.
by KD5PBO March 2, 2006
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A Mac user (OSX 10.4+) who fills up the dashboard with widgets, of which many, or at least some, are unnecessary or ridiculous. Most common among new Mac users, particularly recently converted windoze users. Commonly, but not always, characterized by cuteness or bouncyness.
Girl One: What time is it?
Girl Two: Let me hit F-12.
Girl One: What is the weather in Rome?
Girl Two: I'll check my dashboard.
Girl One: Who was the seventh president of Malawi?
Girl Two: I have a widget for that.
Girl One: What a widgetwhore.
by KD5PBO March 2, 2006
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The act of pulling somebody else's pants down to cause embarrasment.
When Stuart leaned over, I gave him a droopy drawers.
by KD5PBO March 4, 2006
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Long underpants worn in the cold to keep the legs warm.
I'm wearing longjohns because it's snowing.
by KD5PBO March 3, 2006
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One who will go to great lengths to cuddle; is not seeking anything sexual; is not very particular about the one with whom he or she cuddles. Often most active in cold weather.
Guy One: Did you see Pat and Lisa cuddling the other night.
Guy Two: Yeah, and Pat and Steve the night before.
Guy One: What a cuddlewhore.
by KD5PBO March 2, 2006
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Repeat this, do this again. Comes from arithmatic (Quantity) x 2. Often used in music to mean Sing it again
Jingle Bells,
Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun
it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh!
by KD5PBO March 2, 2006
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An acceptable way to ask whether a seat, bench, etc. is taken when dealing with whom the only language one has in common is Spanish. Asking ¿Puedo sientarme aquí? might have bad consequences.
Loser Gringo: ¿Puedo sientarme aquí?
Cute Hispanic girl: *Whacks Loser Gringo*
Froody Hitchhiker: ¿Stacupado?
CHG: *Kisses Hitchhiker*
by KD5PBO March 15, 2006
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