17 definitions by K9GUY

Fuckchops is a wonderfully adaptable word, which can be used as a term of endearment, an insult, or an adjective.
"Hello fuckchops, how was your day?"

"Listen fuckchops, either you pull your head in or I will pull it off."

"My parents walked in on me going down on my girlfriend last night, and thanks to all the pussy juice when I looked up to see who had opened the door I had a killer set of fuckchops on me."
by K9GUY June 3, 2009
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An acronym, C.O.A.T stands for Cunt Of A Thing.

This acronym was originally developed in the town of Melbourne, Australia in mid 2006 as a means of describing a strongly unpleasant, offensive, or undesirable female, or a female displaying qualities considered highly undesirable at a given moment.

The beauty of this term is its adaptable nature, and its subjective application.

Also, this term allows one to use a highly offensive term towards someone, in a fashion that does not sound offensive. To this end it is often found in use in offices, professional environments, and there is also one unsubstantiated account of this term being used in a Supreme Court towards the presiding judge.
"That Candace is a fair-dinkum COAT, isn't she Bryce!"

"I had to get out of the house for a while Brad, the missus is being a COAT..."

"I cant believe you baby; you are really acting like a COAT right now. Pull your head in!"

Her - "Youre such a bastard....just buy me an engagement ring already, it's about time after 4 years together..."

Him - "For fucks sake Candace, you are an absolute COAT...we're over bitch! Pack your shit and hit the bricks."
by K9GUY June 2, 2009
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First used in early 2009 in Victoria, Australia, this term is commonly used as a colloquial term in both a descriptive and derogatory fashion.

Noun - To describe a person that shows a distinct lack of moral fibre and/or moral scruples. A person that acts selfishly, with or without any thought, towards a person or persons towards whom they should demonstrate respect, grattitude, or ethcial consideration towards.

Adjective- An act that is performed by one person towards another person, often causing tremendous disadvantage to the affected party, and is performed to provide the perpetrator with some type of gain or advantage.
SIDNEY is a term that can be used in the same fashion as, and in place of, the term Judas.

"I got that bitch a job, a house, lent him money, and then she pulled a SIDNEY on me. She took my job, screwed my husband, and kicked my dog. What a cock smoker!"

"I cant believe he chucked a SIDNEY on me! After all I have done for that guy he really stabbed me in the back..."

"Mate, I really need your support on this right now. If I bring you in on this project you better make sure you don't rip me SIDNEY style, or I will be forced to kick your ass!"

"I can't believe my bastard husband! He left me with a young child, no money, took the car, and was fucking my best friend behind my back...he really handed me the big SIDNEY, and I don't know what to do."

"You treacherous, SIDNEY-ass motherfucker."
by K9GUY June 2, 2009
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FUCKTOWN, alternatively spelt as two separate words, is a description of an undesirable place either real or imagined. It generally embodies the worst possibilities and eventualities of the given situation it is applied to.
"If I get to work late again my boss is gonna send me to fucktown"

"I just cant seem to catch a break at the moment, I'm living in the middle of fucktown and it ain't getting better..."

"Mate if you don't stop talking to my girlfriend like that I'm taking you to fucktown, population you!"
by K9GUY October 6, 2009
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DOWNTOWN FUCKTOWN is the absolute epicentre of fucktown.

Please see fucktown for a further description
"Were gonna take this situation to downtown fucktown here boys if you don't stop sitting on my car..."

"Oh mate is was terrible! She caught me in bed with her best friend....and she took it straight to downtown fucktown...cost me 2 hours in the emergency room with a fractured skull!"
by K9GUY October 6, 2009
A bastardised application of the word boss, when pronounced with a strong South African accent.

BAAS, when applied correctly and used strictly in context, describes a mature alpha male with a quick temper, strict code of moral conduct, high expectations of self and others, and a tendancy towards and talent for use of extreme violence in order to maintain social order, hierachy and decorum.

A BAAS in human social terms is roughly equivalent to, but more intelligent than, a sliverback gorilla.
Maggot- "Jesus Bryce, stop being a difficult arsehole for fucks sake!"

Bryce- "Don't give me attitude you imbecile, or I will split your fucking head wide open and fuck the hole, just to show you who is BAAS..."

"Don't get mouthy to that bloke there mate, he's a real BAAS"
by K9GUY June 2, 2009
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HALF PAST FUCK is a colourful and expletive measurement of time or hour, most commonly indicating that the time in question is inconvenient or unreasonable to the party making use of the term.
"I had to get up for work at half past fuck this morning to make it to the new job site by 6.30am"

"I really can't be bothered going out tonight boys....I have a massive day on tomorrow and if I go out clubbing I will wind up drinking way too much and I won't get home until half past fuck either...too hard..."

"I got a call at bloody half past fuck last night from some offshore call centre."
by K9GUY October 6, 2009
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