17 definitions by K9GUY

HALF PAST FUCK is a colourful and expletive measurement of time or hour, most commonly indicating that the time in question is inconvenient or unreasonable to the party making use of the term.
"I had to get up for work at half past fuck this morning to make it to the new job site by 6.30am"

"I really can't be bothered going out tonight boys....I have a massive day on tomorrow and if I go out clubbing I will wind up drinking way too much and I won't get home until half past fuck either...too hard..."

"I got a call at bloody half past fuck last night from some offshore call centre."
by K9GUY October 6, 2009
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Fish hook- a sexual manoevre in which one person uses a finger or a thumb to form a crudely improvised hook inside the orrifice of another, followed by exerting an outward, stretching pressure on said orrifice.
"Dude, I was in the heat of the moment and I fish hooked my Mrs...didn't she get upset with me! "

"Stick that thumb in my mouth and fish hook me big boy!"
by K9GUY June 3, 2009
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WORD PAIRING involves the pairing of a swear word with any other word in order to add significance to the second word.

In this capacity it is often the case that the swear word conveys some type of discriptive capacity regarding number, significance, import or quality.
Below are listed some practical examples of swear pairing

"Mate you should grab a couple of bags of cornchips, cos they're on special..."
"Nah buddy, I've got fuckbags of chips at home..."

"That guy was fuckdumb wasn't he?"

"This situation is headed to fucktown fast..."

"My pay cheque hasn't cleared yet god damn it...looks like I'm eating 2 minute shitnoodles again..."
by K9GUY October 6, 2009
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