217 definitions by Jumbled McGobbledygook

Amy has pancreatitis. She suffers from excess steatorrhea. Lab tests came positive for turdbutter.
by Jumbled McGobbledygook June 23, 2021
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Xi Jinping's shit, which 1.4 billion Chinese people have to clean up or rather suck it up
1) China has no real friends & no true allies! That xit is so fucked up! Guess what, the check book diplomacy & the debt trap tactics don't earn true friends! And warmongering & territorial claims don't help either!

2) Most of China's private schools are being taken over by the government as I type this, most English textbooks published in the west is being gradually banned & private tutoring can no longer be done for profit (which means it will die out). English will not be taught in these government controlled schools anymore 'to reduce the academic burden on students'. This is going to make way for Chinese propaganda textbooks taught in state schools, to kids who only learn Chinese language. This is a good way to keep the masses under control. This is some really messed up xit.

3) UD now decides to not publish any of my definitions anymore for who knows why! They decide to trample on my freedom of expression. That's some really fucked up xit!
by Jumbled McGobbledygook August 16, 2021
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Hernan Cortez & his fellow turds that conquered Mexico & other parts of Americas
16 century turdistadors were primarily driven by greed
by Jumbled McGobbledygook April 18, 2021
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One of the strata / levels of being an asshole
The tangerine turd was on the top of sphinctosphere during his last days at the oval office
by Jumbled McGobbledygook February 3, 2021
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When everyone drinks lots of carbonated drinks & synchronizes their burps in chorus to Jingle bells melody during Christmas party
Micki: All the cans of fizzy drinks we bought are empty, and there were a lot of them. Come on! it's a good time for our burpmas melody.
(Then Simone starts playing the guitar & everyone gathers around in a circle. Merry Burpmas everybody!!)
by Jumbled McGobbledygook February 1, 2021
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