2 definitions by Jezzagrob

the meaning of "the brad" can vary somewhat but is the term is the act of someone doing sexually inappropriate gestures or badly timed sexual advances or just playing being a sexual predator the thing about the act of the brad is the person preforming these acts will think that they are fine and not creepy at all he or she will usually use the excuse i was just being casual
hey hows that guy over there trying to take a the fat smelly pregnant woman home that's such "the brad" thing to do

the other night i was making out with my girlfriend and my house mate was watching and licking his lips dude was so casual about the act of "the brad" i think he doesn't know how gross he is i am pretty sure he is into grobmullers

did you see that old chick she fully pulled "the brad" on me when i was dunk i think she licked my ass "the brad" of all brads
by Jezzagrob September 4, 2014
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The sexual act which requires a naked man to lie on his back and roll backwards until his knees are beside his own ears then proceed to masterbate (wack off,beat off,have a bash,have a bat,straddle the yogurt thrower) until he climaxes onto his own face and open mouth.

Eg. MAN1 - man why is the skin on your face so smooth and fresh

MAN2 - I have a grobmuller every day

MAN1 - Sweet.
by Jezzagrob March 30, 2009
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