5 definitions by Jesta

When an actual lobster tr0wnz the act of became death and is reborn from the lolster after w00x amplification levels are maxed out by Chewyeti at 3.
*Chewyeti pumps up w00x amplificaion lvls.
*lolster falls from sky.
*lolbster is born....again.
by Jesta March 2, 2004
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The item that comes from w00x amplification systems including that of live lolbsters.

Also: can be used as a noun, pronoun, adj., adverb, verb and other w00x.
"pump up the w00x"
*Chewyeti adjusts w00x amplification lvls.
(gains 30exp)
"tr0wn3d by w00x technology"
by Jesta March 2, 2004
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When Jake drinks straight everclear (turning into a yeti), grows bodily hair and became to the act of tr0wning life (snowboarders, pat- see basegrind) on the SanFrancisco Peaks and mates with Chewbacca, hence resulting in a Chewyeti.
"Chewyeti adjusts w00x amplification lvls."

by Jesta March 2, 2004
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The act of tr0wning all innocent life as we know it.

see also: www.whatsinyourfox.net
see also: www.whatsinyourfox.net/index2.html
HOLY SHIT DUDE, I did a basegrind to whatsinyourfox.net
by Jesta March 2, 2004
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the article lolbster are spawned from.

see also: toaster + lolz

also used to loast roffle waffles with lemayo
"Lolbster /rofflewaffle shot down Dr. Squid with a roffle waffle from a lolster"

by Jesta March 2, 2004
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