19 definitions by Janet

Like rofl, or lmao, just for the people who are even more retarded than the average dumbass. At least the people who say lmao, lol, ect; have a little more substanse.
moron: omg dude she fucked him in the bathroom and the teachers walked in and caught them!!!1!1!111one
intelligent: dude what the fuck? that doesn't even make sense
moron1: shut up asshole, it's called humor
intelligent: i really wish that you would just comit suicide
by Janet July 26, 2004
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hamjammer- when u need 2 tongues to remove the ham sandwich with mayo from the roof of your mouth.
by Janet June 8, 2003
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another term used for freak, that many people use nonsexually
"I know you loooooooove him."
"SO? Shut up you freakaleak!"
by Janet May 7, 2005
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Suburb of Chicago, this large town is known for having some very stuck up kids. Rich white kids running around and spending their parents money. Kids from Naperville will be very sucesful in life, and very rich. Also known for their excellent public schools, and many times named the best place to raise you child.
"your from Naperville? Your rich, right? "
by Janet February 16, 2005
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usually a hot blonde girl, not confused with (a loner) due to her having many friends
by Janet June 27, 2004
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1. Wow. Its sunny outside today
2. Wow. You mom is sunny today.
by Janet February 15, 2005
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