1 definition by Jamesthepothead

Morphine is a potent opiate narcotic used to treat severe and agonizing pain and suffering, often considered to be the strongest painkiller short of diacetylmorphine, also known as Heroin. Morphine is also the the best and worst recreational drug in the world, it will make you feel good no matter how sad and depressed you are, it will make you feel so good in fact that you may become psychologically addicted to it after just one use. Noticeable tolerance will develop after just a few uses if taken daily. Tolerance can be avoided by using it only once per week or less. Psychical addiction will occur after around 10 uses or so in a short period of time. Mild addiction is maybe a stomach ache or head ache and a general I-feel-like-shit feeling when withdrawn from the drug. Hardcore addiction means agonizing headache, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and terrible drug cravings. As an opiate user I can say that they make you feel great, but if you take them to much or to often they can ruin your life.
Jim was offered some morphine at a party, he enjoyed the high that he got and then went home and didn't take morphine again for months.

Joe was a pharmacist, he took morphine for the first time and found it hard to resist continued use. He became an addict, he lost his job, and now spends every dollar he gets on more of the drug.
by Jamesthepothead August 3, 2010
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