100 definitions by JT

Interjection created by mashing together 'schmuck' and 'chodum'.
"Ah schmodum... I just can't seem to keep a hard on."
by JT August 25, 2004
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the lone guy out with a group of girls
"you see those hot chicks standing around with that dude?"
"yea he must be the fag tag"
by JT February 11, 2004
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he had to shave his gummal
by JT September 8, 2004
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Put basically, any religion with more than one god, otherwise known as polytheism. Usually nature based, but not necessarily in a hippy "flower power" way. The term Pagan is usually applied to the old European pre-Christian religions of the Greeks/Romans, the Germanic tribes (such as the Vikings, Saxons and Danes etc) and the Celtic tribes. Wicca is a more modern blend of Paganism, that includes elements of all the above religions. Pagans can be found in all walks of life, from the Hippies through to Neo-Nazi groups and all in between. This goes to show that there are many forms and beliefs within Paganism.
Anton LaVey's form of Satanism includes many elements of paganism, almost an anti-Wicca.
Alot of Pagans attempt to hide their religion from their peers as pagans have been persecuted since the early days of Christianity, and as such some tend to have anti-Christian views.
That said, if they are known pagans, most pagans will quite gladly give time to help out people starting out on the pagan path and will talk to non-pagans about their views and beliefs.
Christmas and other Christian holidays are Pagan rip-offs
by JT November 7, 2004
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A lady who has eaten too many twinkies.
That thunder bird has to weigh 400 lbs.
by JT November 12, 2003
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A radio program in which the man of truth, Tom Leykis, informs us of the ways of the world.
I listen to Leykis 101
by JT November 12, 2003
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damn baby, I could really go for some chop chop right about now.
by JT March 15, 2004
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