1 definition by Itsmynametakenbyme

A computer company, started by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976. Famous for creating the first computer with a GUI (Graphical User Interface), the Apple Lisa, and making the Macintosh, the second most popular operating system after Windows, having a 3% market share.

That's it. No stupid mocking about how they copy other things and sell them for double the price. No whining about Apple Fanboys. Really, people that say Apple is better than PC or the other way around are just stupid. It's all opinions.
Person#1: I just bought a Mac!
Person#2: OK. Personally I don't like Apple, I think their products are expensive.
Person#1: OK. Which OS do you use then?
Person#2: Windows 7.
Person#1: Oh. I used to have Windows 7 before I bought a Mac.
by Itsmynametakenbyme February 13, 2013
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