8 definitions by Inox

(adj.) An extremely sexually vigorous woman. Note that entering an actual badger's hole/burrow results in one getting "tore up." Use this word in the same way one would use the term batshit, but with a somewhat different meaning.
She seems all shy, but I hear she's badgerpanties.
by Inox March 15, 2005
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(n.) Usually male, a person who tries to leverage previous face time to sleep with or "date" someone that's been involved with a friend.
Bob only met Sarah because I was dating her, and as soon as we broke up, he asked her out. What a coattail rider.
by Inox October 17, 2006
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(n.) An act combining the press of a teabag with simultaneous urination, ala golden showers. The golden bag, however, need not be done for sexual gratification.
It's a bit messy to upgrade a regular teabagging to a Golden Bag, but it sends a strong message.
by Inox May 28, 2008
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(n.) An act combining the press of a teabag with simultaneous urination, ala golden showers. The Golden Bag, however, need not be done for sexual gratification.
It's a bit messy to upgrade a regular teabagging to a Golden Bag, but it sends a strong message.
by Inox May 25, 2008
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(v.) To vomit and defecate simultaneously, or near-simultaneously, as is often seen with food poisoning. So called because real life battleships often fire guns from both ends or both sides.
After I ate that bad Chinese food, I was battleshipping like a fiend for most of the next day.
by Inox March 16, 2004
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(v.) To draw or write on the skin of a person who has passed out from drinking. Often, the artwork is rendered in permanent marker (Sharpies predominate), with cartoon penises and profane words being popular themes.
After Mike passed out on the couch, a bunch of people at the party billboarded him.
by Inox July 6, 2007
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(n.) The cloud of stench left in the bathroom after someone takes a deuce.
"Don't go in there, man, there's some serious log fog happening."
by Inox November 19, 2013
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