11 definitions by ImperialFleet1

Icicles attached to a manly beard. They may even swing to and fro depending upon the size of the beardcicle, the length of the beard hair, wind velocity, and level of activity.

Oftentimes formed from a combination of perspiration, condensation of exhaled breath, and sleet/snow, and extremely low ambient temperatures and/or high wind. Beardcicles may require physical exertion to acquire such as, but not limited to: snowshoeing, chopping firewood, running, cross country skiing, et cetera.
After chopping and stacking three cords of Oak firewood during the 5°F snowstorm, Octavius decided to go snowshoeing during which his beardcicles swung together clinking like empty beer mugs as he moved.
by ImperialFleet1 February 16, 2015
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A beautiful female specimen worth permanently mounting upon your erect penis for all the world to see.
Example 1: Check her out...I would so make her my wood ornament.


Example 2: (pick up line) Excuse me ma'am, how would you like to be my wood ornament?
by ImperialFleet1 June 23, 2011
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A US military expression: Airborne All The Way.
We run everyday, AATW!
by ImperialFleet1 September 26, 2015
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According to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton got schlonged by Barack Obama in the 2008 democratic presidential primary. This is akin to getting screwed; slighted; severely whooped; underhandedly beaten; having your ass handed to you ,etc.
She (Hillary) was gonna beat (Obama), she was favored to win (the 2008 Democratic presidential primary), and she got schlonged, she lost.
by ImperialFleet1 December 22, 2015
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Welfare from the U.S. government. Of course it is not actually free as it is a debt thrust upon society, but the typical uneducated person receiving it has no care where the money came from and only knows it is free money from Uncle Sugar.
Damn yo, I just got $1,700 in the mail from Uncle Sugar's Magic Checkbook!!
by ImperialFleet1 August 29, 2009
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Imagine an ironic mashup of LMBO + LMMFAO.
Friend1: *sees something hilarious*
Friend1: Sends to Friend2 (DM, SMS, carrier pigeon, etc)
Friend2: "LMMFBO!"
by ImperialFleet1 February 17, 2023
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A behind-on-mortgage-payments homeowner that tries to sell their own home without a real estate agent (For Sale By Owner). This is a desperate stall tactic, often the last one possible, to delay foreclosure while the homeowner finds a new place to live (parents, friends, apartment, rental housing, etc). Often the house is abandoned the same day the "For Sale By Owner" sign is placed in the yard. Observers may also notice the homeowners taking objects that would typically be left behind if they actually intended on honestly selling the home, to include fences; sink fixtures; cabinetry; exterior lighting fixtures; counter tops; and et cetera.

It becomes clear to observers that the homeowners are in no way serious about selling the home, but it is obviously a stall tactic to pilfer and move as much value out of the home before they jingle mail the mortgage company. Another clear sign is that the asking price set for the house is insane, priced unreasonably high so as to not even attract potential buyers.
Husband: Look at the Joneses... that is the 3rd sink fixture I've seen them put on the moving truck today, plus they took down the fence and left the fence posts!! I went to "ABC-fsbo.com" as listed on the sign they put in the front yard this morning and they're asking 20% more than what they paid for the place at the top of the housing bubble!! They're never going to sell in this real estate market.

Wife: Yep! This has Foreclosure By Owner written all over it.
by ImperialFleet1 May 24, 2011
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