15 definitions by IDK.WHAT.TO.NAME.ME.876

what you say when someone asks what ligma is
hey did you know Steve Jobs died of ligma?
Who's Steve Jobs
by IDK.WHAT.TO.NAME.ME.876 July 26, 2023
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Oh crap of frick oh god oh FRICK CRAP OH NO GOD
This sentence is used whenever:
1-Robbers have broken into your house
2-The airplane came, but the wrong one. Said before the airplane crashes into your house.
3-What a child says when they learn "almost curse words" for the first time
4-what you say before your uncle Declan plays the touching game and you don't want to
Mother:here comes the airplane *moves her hand around, spoon in hand.*
Child:*looks outside* Mama-
Mother:Oh crap of frick oh god oh FRICK CRAP OH NO GOD
Child:Crap frick

Mother:don't say that, little billy
Turns out they were dreaming after the incident in a coma, and little billy never said mama at the end.
by IDK.WHAT.TO.NAME.ME.876 May 21, 2023
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Sharon is that one name in silly things. Usually, in those silly things, Sharon is a stinkle winkle, and a absolute booger eater. Stay away from most Sharons at any cost, they will usually waddle over to you at increasingly more rapid speeds to bite your ankles.
Rebecca:Hey Sharon.
Sharon:Hey Rebecca. I don’t know how to read. Also you’re an ogre, right?
Rebecca:What the fuck Sharon
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When someone braids their toe hair, they are doing it in fear, anger, defeat, annoyance, sadness, or all of the listed adjectives. This is usually caused by a roast too effective to just make the person scream FROOT LOOPS!
Sarah:AHHH! *braids toe hair*
Bystander:Was she just braiding toe hair?
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I am one. Just because we have different genitalia and have breasts doesn’t mean we’re that different. WHY THE FRICKITY FRACK DIDDLY DACK THUMBTACK SIDETRACKED TICK TACK BY YOUR FEEDBACK CRAPSHACK BACK-TO-BACK DO WE HAVE SO MUCH SAID ABOUT US THAT ISNT TRUE?
Sharon:Hey did you hear Jenny is female? I thought they were a myth.
Rebecca:What the hell sharon before you said your white boyfriend had a BBD, and now you’re saying females are myths when you are one?
Greg:Guys did you know having eyes and blinking is a myth?
Rebecca:Sharon, maybe you aren’t so bad.
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Why the hell are you searching up the ENTIRE ALPHABET. If you're that bored, go outside. Call your friends. I dunno. Just do something to entertain yourself other than this website.
2:The hell?
1:hahah I said the whole alphabet in 4 seconds and 53 milliseconds! But who's counting?.
by IDK.WHAT.TO.NAME.ME.876 October 3, 2023
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Oh, relationship advice! I might be able to help. I’m not a professional, but here’s some stuff.
1-Set up the mood. Maybe in your bedroom, a restaurant, something to get a romantic feeling.
2-Try to talk to your crush, and start a conversation. Start to complement them. They’ll probably be in a nice mood.
3-Tell them you have a confession. It’s alright if they reject you, there’s someone perfect for you out there.
4-If they want to listen, tell them they look very pretty, handsome, beautiful, etc.
5-Tell them that since they are so pretty, handsome, beautiful, etc., that you have feelings for them.
6-If they say they feel the same in some way, congratulations! If you want, hug them, or hold their waist, pull them closer, and gently kiss them.
7-If they don’t feel the same, it’s okay. Just tell them that many people probably like them because of how amazing they are.
8-If you completed this, with stage 7 or 6 being the last one, no matter what, you have been successful. Be brave, you’re amazing.
Dude on urban dictionary:Man I gotta tell my crush I like them…but I don’t know how!
Dude on urban dictionary:hmm…I’ll search it up!

Dude on urban dictionary:oh! Cool! How to tell your crush you like them is here! I hope this advice works…
by IDK.WHAT.TO.NAME.ME.876 May 31, 2023
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