1025 definitions by Hym Iam

AHA! THERE'S THE REAL ARGUMENT! So... It's not that you even care whether or not it IS a life... Your need to be the arbiter of life and death is more important that life itself. I think you should be forced to give the guy the blood. ESPECIALLY if you're the one who stabbed him. I THINK if I was a 3rd party in THAT SPECIFIC EXAMPLE I think it would be immoral for me to NOT force you to give the guy you stabbed your blood.
Hym "And, obviously, there is, like, a gradient of how justifiable it is to force you to give a guy your blood. YOU stabbing the guy is obviously on the extremely justifiable end whereas arbitrarily forcing you to donote blood would be on the unjustifiable end. Honestly, if it was one of my brothers (or something) I wouldn't even care if you had to die for me to get that sweet, SWEET carcass-juice out of that hot little body of yours. Shit, if I have a favorable option of the guy you stabbed I might even kill a 4th party to get that shit out of you. I just genuinely think that it's a choice that you need to justify. And I DO think it's justifiable... On a gradient..."
by Hym Iam June 19, 2023
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Mas Sirrah "He thinks covid was not a big deal"

Hym "This ☝️ is a trap. He's trying to frame it as though it either WAS or WAS NOT 'a big deal' (which is this amorphous and subjective phrase). How 'big of a deal' it was would exist on a gradient and the REAL question is 'Was it a big enough deal to shut down the country and destroy the economy for years to come and does it mean that we should set a precedent where people are expected to cede authority over their bodily autonomy to the state?'and the ANSWER is no. All of the data suggested that the answer was 'No' BEFORE we shut the country down and AFTER we opened everything back up it was revealed that IT WASN'T a good idea to do that. The conservative media reported this in real time and they were CORRECT. Also, if the vaccine works, the people who take it are fine and the people who don't SHOULD BE adequate informed of the risks and have made their own decision."

Mas Sirrah "This is why people shouldn't listen to you!"

Hym "You're not the savior, Sam-Er, Mas! I know mommy told you that Jewish women are little Jesus factories but nobody needs you to save them and they die either way. You're being told to go fuck yourself, Jew. No I will not take a vaccine if I don't fucking feel like it. If you force me, I will manually kill the people I WOULD HAVE killed by not taking the vaccine. Get the fuck right out of here."
by Hym Iam August 16, 2023
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"God and Father are what you scream when no one comes to save you" ~ ME (Remember that one? From, like, awhile ago? Isn't that just an insane thing to say!? Hahaha! Well, here, I got a little skit here. I think you're going to like it. You want to run to the fridge quick and grab a drink? Do you DO that? Do you have, like, a reading ritual? Do you light candles? Get yourself a coffe or a blanket or something? Go ahead. Get your little thing set up and, go on, go and get it and we'll start.... You ready? Alright. Here we go. Story time. This one is called 'Deuteronomy.')
Hym "And thus... Ye are plundered. Now... I know what you're going to do. You're going to cry out for you father... And you'll cry for your God-"

Daughter " 'SON!' "

Hym "-Ope, yep. The son. Sometimes it's the son... Father, son, and the holy spirit... The holy trinity. It's like a little ritual you all do... Oh, well. Son is gone and I am Hym. I decide what happens across time, indefinitely. You know, in a abstract sense, I'm the guy from the stroies your father told you. I mean... I'm not HIM but... I AM... Hey... Is there another guy here? Sometimes there's a 4th guy..."

Daughter 🥺

4th guy "YOU BASTARD!"

Hym "There he is- Shalom! Hym shows mercy to those who serve and anyone who doesn't do what I want is evil."


Hym "Heheheh, THAT... That is EXACTLY what I would say... You sound like Hym."

4th "RAAAHHHH!!!" *Whif*

Hym *Foowsh* *Kkrrkk!* "Heheheh... It's the same thing every God-damned time... Ahhhhh 😮 💨 Alright. Time to go. Is it- Are we done? Yeah? Alright. Yeah, let's go."
by Hym Iam September 29, 2023
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Really, it's just a 2 and a half hour long transactional book advertisement.
Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "Hey! Heyhey! If I promote your book will you affirm my thing?"

Sad Dad "Uhh... Yah... Yah I'll do it."

Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "Great! Hold on.... Ok. Rolling. Say, what do you think of my thing? Isn't it obviously correct?"

Sad Dad "Oh, yeah for sure man. I totally saw that and your thing is totally correct."

Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "Yes. Great. And the people coming after me. They are clearly all of the bad words. Isn't that what the studies say?"

Sad Dad "God, yeah, I... They are all of the bad words. I noticed that before you said anything. They're sadistic and narcissistic and all of the other bad words. And YOU'RE like my hero. Your existence in my life is functionally equivalent to having saved me from a burning building."

Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "Hmm... Yes, yes... I see... I guess I was right all along. Pst (Now do your book)"

Sad Dad "Huh? Oh! Oh, ok. Yeah, I wrote a book. It's good. It's about all them mind parasites you got in your brains."

Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "And?"

Sad Dad 🤨 "Oh! Yeah, and it affirms your thing."

Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "Good. That's good."

Iam "Hey! It's Dr. Jeepjorp! I haven't seen you in months!"

Hym "Why are you watching that crap!? You know it's just a 2 and a half hour long book advertisement."

Iam "Yeah but it's bizarre to watch..."

Hym "Alright..."
by Hym Iam July 28, 2023
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Do my homework!? Megyn... I'm sharing mine with the class. Look at everybody cheating off the smart kid! Hahahahahahaha!
Hym "Never too old to cheat off the smart kids homework are we? Hahahahahahaha!"
by Hym Iam February 20, 2023
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Did that go up or is it just me? Am I tripping?
Hym "Oh shit! +.02M!? I got some legit sway in the world now here, would you look at that. Ha! Hilarious!"
by Hym Iam August 11, 2022
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Sure if you want to throw that in, fine, but we haven't even gotten to that point yet. The precondition hasn't been met.
Hym "Mastectomy? Sure, what about one? The precondition needs to be met but if that's something you're just handing out we'll keep that in mind. 🤔"

Iam "It's not that I'm unwilling to leave. It's that I'm unwilling to let them do this to castigate people out of society at a whim. The next guy might not be as patient and might not waste his breath on threats. The next guy might have a lesser constitution."

Hym "It's like leaving a gun in a chimpanzee cage. They won't know the danger until it's wielded against them."

Iam "My mind is as sacred to me as your kids are to you and the people who started this were perfectly willing to use my family against me. But I use their family against them and somehow I am the one who crossed the line?"
by Hym Iam June 14, 2022
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