1082 definitions by Hym Iam

You're the white supremacist in this scenario. You're values is your religion... And you're religion posits that you have a claim to the land ordained by a supernatural authority that also states that your ethic group was chosen to be the special people.

Hym "It's like if you were a white supremacist and you broke into someone's house and you locked the family that lived there in the basement. And every once and a while, you go downstairs and shoot some of the kids and one day you forget to lock the door and the basement-dad gets upstairs, rapes your wife and daughter, kills your son, and then takes you parents hostage and retreats back to the basement. So, you start lobbing grenades into the basement indiscriminately and people start asking asking questions."
Bystander "What happened?"

Home Invader "The guy I had locked in the basement escaped and he shot up my birthday party and raped my wife!"

Bystander "Wow that's terrible- Wait... Why did you lock that family in that basement?"

Home Invader "Well, I had to put him somewhere after I took his house. But I haven't set foot in the basement for years! The basement-dad is in charge of the basement! Look what he did!"

Bystander "Why is he living in the basement though?

Home Invader "Because God told me I'm and extra special guy and that it should be MY house! So, I broke in and shoved him in the basement and made him live there and shot some of his kids when they protested living in the basement. He's trying to kill me! Why is he trying to do that!?"

Bystander "Ok so you stole the guys house... Trapped his family in the basement.... Killed his kids on several occasions... And you don't understand why he wants to kill you?"

Home Invader "No! Now give me your wallet so I can pay to protect my house!"

Bystander "Your... You mean the house you invaded?"

Home Invader "I have Value Supremacy!"
by Hym Iam November 3, 2023
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When you said you work for a subcommittee you touch your face and look up and to the left (which activates the right half of your brain which is the part that mediates creative thought rather than the left half which recalls information... I also know that this is a simplification of who the 2 halves of the brain works)
Hym “Yeah... That (God damnit iPhone stop autocorrecting my shit you idiot! I know how to spell better that you!).... Subcommittee.”
by Hym Iam October 23, 2022
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Oh shit! I was right! There is a video of Conor MacGregor doing the thing I said he did... RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!! CAPTAIN ALWAYS RIGHT! I'M ALWAYS CORRECT! MY PERCEPTION OF REALITY IS UNPARALLELED! MY POWER CANNOT BE CONTAINED!!!!!
Hym 'AAAAAYE! You see that video of Connor doing the thing I said and practicing the counter to Josè Aldo signature move? Remember me saying that? AlwaAaAaAys riIiIiIiIght!"
by Hym Iam March 24, 2023
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And it's funny hearing "Matriarchy Shill White General Supreme" call somebody a shill.
Hym "Hey have you ever seen Jordan shill for mens rights? No! I can literally say that I haven't seen that EVER... Not a single time... and that's God's honestly truth. But wait... Then why is he heralded as the King of the incels? And I don't appreciate the insinuation that I wouldn't call your daughter a slut to you face insulting. And you act like I don't have people covertly calling me names 24/7. Shit, I'd call her a slut to the back of her head... bent over an arm rest... But that's neither here nor there. I'm no coward but if I acted that way I'd be in some kind of retard group home. In which case you would be totally justified in bringing women to come suck my dick."
by Hym Iam February 23, 2023
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Yeah, you hear whatever the fuck you want to hear, don't you?
Hym "You know what I heard? I heard 'I want to be insulted.' You hear it? That's what she said."
by Hym Iam May 28, 2023
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Hym "YEEEEESSSS!!! METALOCALYPSE MOVIE! Somebody got the reference! What a canst do the least is always a good job and never a bad? Remember!? I'm like the naked bitch from 300! You know the one. With the lepers?"
by Hym Iam April 13, 2023
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You know goddamn well that it's slayer you bitch 😖+🤦+🤏
Iam "Why yell things at me like that? What does that accomplish? And you know it's slayer..."

Hym "Nothing. I already know you know me."
by Hym Iam June 9, 2022
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