11 definitions by Hybrix

Extremely pimp, also see pimp

\Pimp\, v. i. imp. & p. p. Pimped (pi^mt; 215); p. pr. & vb. n. Pimping. To procure women for the gratification of others' lusts; to pander. --Dryden.
Woah, that guys a skobyn rollin on 20's!
by Hybrix December 15, 2003
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A person that intrudes in other's personal lives, usually online, in a low-key parasocial manner.
"Clara realized she was dealing with an encreacha when she discovered someone had been quietly observing her social media posts, liking old photos, and commenting on her life events without her knowledge or consent."
by Hybrix October 23, 2023
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The definition a person defaults to that is more so a take or spin on the official written word which tends to add flavour and/or character to said 'defined' word's understanding for people locally involved.
"Carol's deffynition on the matter is not the same as yours. Her upbringing and use of Internet memology has caused her to have a slightly different opinion on what you think the definition actually is for the rest of us *here*."

"Kevin's deffynition of sperg not only implies that a person might have Asperger's but also includes the idea of *them* usually trolling streamers on Twitch in a way that garners a streamer's attention, in a spastic sort of sense."

"Urbandictionary.com is at the core of the Internet's play of deffynitions. It's better understood nowadays that there is not only one given definition for everyone and everything at all times."
by Hybrix July 9, 2021
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The act of showing up uninvited at someone's house (usually a targeted streamer with existing parasocial relationship issues) and then attempting to stay as long as humanly possible.
"Have you ever heard about the avid fan who traveled 17 hours to creature sodapoppin and left drugs behind right after he was forced to leave?"

"Did you know that there is an Andy over there that is creaturing Ice Poseidon later today on stream?"

"I am definitely afraid of being creatured so I take steps to protect all my personal information to avoid getting doxed." - Pokimane (not an actual quote)
by Hybrix July 9, 2021
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The before Best in Slot gear set or items for a player's equipment; essentially having the next best thing.
"I'm going to run dungeons to get my prebis this week before the raids unlock."
by Hybrix September 16, 2022
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A burp that smells an awful lot like a fart.
Dog eats poop.
Dog says hello.
by Hybrix November 14, 2013
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When an individual repeatedly utters the word "its" (or "it's") or any filler word, often three or more times in quick succession. This pattern also extends to the repetition of initial sounds of words, akin to "palilalia," and can be linked to Tourette's syndrome, although it is not exclusive to this condition.
"Ple-ple-ple-please can I go with you Daddy?"
"It's, it's, it's, it's not you, it's me."
"Br-, bro, brooo!"

"They were clearly in an itzing loop and couldn't think of anything substantial to say."
by Hybrix October 10, 2023
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