12 definitions by Hog1

1) one who studies with the endurance and focus of a robot.

2) Elizan Garcia
Steve: "Man, Shiela has been in the library for 3 straight days."

Carl: "She's a total studybot."
by Hog1 October 24, 2003
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A complimentary closing used primarily in personal correspondence.
Dear Shiela,

Thanks again for your consideration. The apple sausage was simply devine.

Snakes on a plane,

Craig Stevenson

by Hog1 August 18, 2006
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Pronunciation: "sa-la-may"
Etymology: Corinian

1) In Philadelphia, indicates acknowledgment or understanding of a text message received via cellular telephone.
Salame (Text) example:

Text to Steve, From Craig: Yo. Can't make it to the bris. Something came up.

Text to Craig, From Steve: Salame.
by Hog1 June 21, 2007
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1) (n) Condition whereby one’s forehead extends beyond the natural hairline and consumes the entire cranium. Afflicted beings are usually rendered hairless, and often times maintain a cranky disposition and lack tact. In certain cases, they are unable to use a t-shirt as a towel.

2) (n) John Enright.
Jacko: Hey, Human Forehead: how long have you had the human forehead?

Human Forehead: Do you want to hear a racist joke?

Jacko: No thanks. But could you pass me that t-shirt? I’m soaking wet.
by Hog1 June 4, 2004
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1) one who parties with the endurance and focus of a robot.

2) Bret Wincup
Steve: "Did you see how many shots Sheila did last night? She must have downed about 14 Fruity Ha-Has and ripped 32 beers!"

Carl: "She's a total partybot."
by Hog1 October 24, 2003
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1) a beer; usually preceded by the verb "rip".

plural: brewdawgs
Steve: "What are you doing tonight?"
Carl: "Sheila and I are going to Selib's to rip a few brewdawgs."
Steve: "Sweet."
by Hog1 October 24, 2003
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1)(v) to quitely relieve oneself on the leg of another patron in a crowded bar.
Steve: "Christ, the line for the pisser is 10 miles long."
Carl: "Looks like someone is gettng a hot leg."
Steve: "Shithouse. You're right."
by Hog1 October 24, 2003
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