4 definitions by His Royal Throbness

To be stuck on the toilet bowl without no roll.
Stranded... stuck on the toilet bowl 'cause you ain't got no roll... to prove you're a man you must wipe it with your hand!
by His Royal Throbness July 13, 2005
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To further the definition...

The 'upside down U' is where Angry White Woman's mouth should be. As for the 'humongous thumbs,' tests by scientist-type dudes are underway to prove the existence of gravy, which has been widely assumed by the general public. While all fingers on Angry White Woman's hands are found to be scary (due in part to their sheer mass), the thumb region takes the cake as they are as wide as they are long.

Odd hairstyles usually accompany Angry White Woman, and are often found to be on the side of extreme. Angry White Woman does not use beauty shops, instead, enlisting the aid of 'friends' to lift her wig.

Angry White Woman is often found to be eating, and is never without some sort of a luggage-type bag filled with chips, candy, and other food-like substances.

Also, when not playing Keno, Angry White Woman can be seen laying around the apartment watching 'Law and Order' in one of its many forms.

Angry White Woman is the ultimate mooch, as she knows not the meaning of the word 'work.'
Christy-Bee lays around P-Did's crib watching Law & Order SVU (instead of getting out and looking for a job), and is quite the Angry White Woman.
by His Royal Throbness May 16, 2005
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1) An ass-kicking song by the St. Louis ska band MU330. Quite possibly the greatest lyric ever recorded...

"We'll have kids at 17, gettin' laid at Dairy Queen."

2) Redneck love of the worst kind, usually involving cousins or siblings.
Vern and Ayleen were kissin' out back to the Dairy Queen. Since they's cousins, there was some serious HOOSIER LOVE going on.
by His Royal Throbness May 19, 2005
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A word near and dear to drummers who play in hair metal bands. The term is derived from the style played on the drums... blickum, blickum, blickum, blickum.
Snaughtly Crue: PLAY BLICKUMS!

by His Royal Throbness September 23, 2005
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