2 definitions by HighwayRobber

The process of running illegal proceeds through a supposedly legitimate business, to turn your "dirty" money into "clean" money, and, uh, fuck it just go watch season 4 of Breaking Bad.
Money laundering plays a major role in season 4 of Breaking Bad. You should check it out sometime.
by HighwayRobber October 1, 2015
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A legally binding contract that allows a financial institution to rape you every month for the next 20-30 years. In return, you get the privilege of maintaining a dwelling out of your own pocket without actually owning it.
1. So what'll it be this month Honey, pay the mortgage or get the driveway fixed?

2. I used to have disposable income. Now I have a mortgage instead.
by HighwayRobber October 1, 2015
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