4 definitions by HeyitsAC

Used when explaining the story of a girl who had sex, even though she told you repeatedly that she was going to wait until marriage. The saying goes "She fell prey to The Butter Effect- things got hot and she spread easily"
Dude that girl said she'd never do it with anyone

Yea, she fell pray to The Butter Effect.
by HeyitsAC August 1, 2008
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Figure of speech used to describe the a level of stress so high that one dreams of, or comes close to ending it all and jumping off a bridge.
"Man I am stressed off a bridge right now; I don't know what I'm gonna do."

"Sucks man....can I have your stereo?"
by HeyitsAC July 29, 2008
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The "New Coke" of the 21st Century. An answer to a design problem that no one had on the website Facebook, spearheaded by Mark Zuckerberg.
"Dude do you like the new Facebook?"

"No, I think it blows big-time"
by HeyitsAC September 22, 2008
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A person or persons who have achieved a level of fame or recognition from the Internet. Known ways are via: YouTube, MySpace, Blogs, Personal Web Pages, or iTunes. Can also be written "webfamous"
"Hey they looks familiar"
"Yea, those are the guys from that video on YouTube"
"Wow, I wish I was Web Famous."
by HeyitsAC July 6, 2008
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