9 definitions by Happy

Hot From Far Away. Taken from the TV show Scrubs.
MAN1: OMFG that chick has a nice badonkadonk
MAN2: dude, H.F.F.A.!
Man1: oh wow Man2 you totally saved me from making a total idiot of my self. id hug you but im not gay
Man2:...I am
Man1: And i respect your decision to like my badonkadonk
by Happy June 17, 2006
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a childish idiotic noise "waah" made by a nerd or geek or freak to make themselves seem cool. it is just a stupid noise that annoysing someone, and tends to be used to by freaks, geeks and nerds when they are upset. tends to be used to the age group of 13-23 by people called damien
"waah, my internet is only going at 192kbps, when it normally does well over 200kbps" or "waah i can't get a girlfriend/boyfriend" or "waah! i hurt my self when using a butchers knife to cut myself"
by Happy December 8, 2003
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1. Derived from the word crunk, it means something of a generally positive manner.

2. Getting crunk without getting drunk or high

3. Used to describe good people/objects/etc. or good attributes


4. "to krunq": to make a big enterance
1. Jack: Hey, I got that new MxPx album today.
Happy: Krunq.

2. Happy: Yep. We went to Katie's party and got totally krunq.

3. Jack: Hey, let's get some Grilled Stuft Burritos.
Happy: Taco Bell is krunq.

4. Happy: Hey, I'm bored.
Jack: Me too. Let's krunq it on over to the Quik Shop.
by Happy July 28, 2005
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1. To take forcefully

Ant: Pimped
Yo, I was walkin' down the strizzeet, and some punk-ass bitch up and thugged my ring, dogg.
by Happy March 11, 2005
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1. To take easily, without force or additional coaxing.

Ant: Thugged
Duquila just gave me 'bout $3.50 (tree fiddy) when I asked her.

I pimped Duquilas's tree fiddy.
by Happy March 11, 2005
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Ignorant, no car-having, no job-having, ADD, minimal pubic hair, half Frankenstein/half pitbull/half-eaten cheeseburger
Yost, get that man's peepee ot of your mouth
by Happy November 16, 2003
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