19 definitions by Greyborzoi

A "local" in a college town.

I tried to drive to the all-campus party at the Delta house, but all these darn emmets were clogging up the roads, most likely on their way to a hollerin' contest.

I got this word from "The Real Animal House" by Chris Miller, but is probably a common term.
by Greyborzoi April 9, 2008
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Verb. The act of being miserable. (mizzed, mizzing)
George: "Where's Clint?"

Kevin: "He's not coming tonight. His girlfriend broke up with him, and he's at home mizzing about it".

David: "That sucks".
by Greyborzoi May 8, 2008
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The constant fear that someone will ask "What are you listening to?" at the very moment that you're listing to something that you like, and that is probably good...but would be considered very unhip, therefore rendering you pegged as a dork.
Billy, walking the school hallway jamming to "Rhinestone Cowboy" by Glen Campbell on his iPod, his iPodaphobia at an all-time high, hopes nobody asks what he's listening to.

Hotpants McHottie: "Hey Billy! What are you listening to?"
Billy: "Oh...er....uh....just a little Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden. Totally rockin!"
by Greyborzoi April 1, 2011
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When you're peeing and a fart has developed. You try to hold it in, but when you finally are forced to let it go, the resulting release of pressure makes your pee stream get stronger, sending pee onto the underside of the toilet lid. Akin to the recoil of a rifle, hence the term "peecoil".
Andrea: How the hell do you manage to get pee on the underside of the toilet lid?

David: Those burritos I had last night gave me gas, and the peecoil from a huge fart is what's responsible for the peed-on toilet seat.

Andrea: Kinda like a rifle, huh? Well, it looks like a rifle you have there in your hand.

David: Yep...a Kentucky long rifle.
by Greyborzoi April 14, 2009
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A hard-on so big and intense that it pulls the skin tight on the rest of the body, making your face look like it's in a centrifuge.
I had such a huge Reltne going, I looked like Chevy Chase at the start of Spies Like Us.
by Greyborzoi April 2, 2008
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When you wake up with a raging hard-on caused by having a full bladder. You have to stand way back from the toilet and lean way forward so that your pee will go into the bowl, rather than going all over the wall. In this position, you will resemble one of those downhill skiiers doing a ski jump.
Sheila: What the heck are you doing? You look like you're doing a ski jump in the bathroom.

David: I had to pee, and if I don't stand like this, my hard-on will shoot pee all over the potted plant you put on top of the toilet. Don't I look like a downhill skiier pee-er?

Sheila: That thing sure is big.

David: Yep
by Greyborzoi October 10, 2008
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When you're on vacation, and you'll pay way too much for something...something you'd never in a million years pay that much for if you were at home. This is the behavior of a vacationnaire.
Andrea: Look at this great necklace! It's made of seashells, and someone has strung them together with fishing line. How awesome! It's only $259.00!

David: Have you bumped your head? That's only worth about three dollars!

Andrea: As always, I will not listen to you. I'm buying it anyway.

David: My wife is a vacationnaire. See you in the poorhouse.
by Greyborzoi June 13, 2008
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