2 definitions by GrayApple

The Default and only Instant Messing or "IM" application ("app") shipped with the "Macintosh OSX" Operating system.
iChat can connect to ".Mac" - A serive offered by Apple, AOL's "AIM" and a few others.
There was a cloned version of iChat for Windows in the past, but from fear from Apple legal, it was pulled offline.
iChat, it's like AIM, but better...
by GrayApple May 14, 2006
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An audio or video file that is downloaded to a users computer (usally) automatically by using RSS or Live Bookmarks.
When a users enters a website that is linked to a podcast, they may see one or two orange icons, they may see xml or rss or a little circle with lines comming out from it. The user can subscribe to the RSS feed or "feed" by telling an RSS Reader to watch the RSS Feed and tell the user if there is an update, in which cast the user can download the Podcast.
The iTunes media player also has Podcast and RSS support built in, the user can go onto the "Podcast Directory" and select as many or as little podcast feeds as he or she wants. There are also other Podcast readers such as "Democracy TV".
A: Dude listen to my Podcast!
B: Cool where is the RSS Feed?!
A: RS- What
B: Then it isn't a podcast
by GrayApple May 14, 2006
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