5 definitions by Gray

N. A person who constantly talk on, calls, or plays with cellphones.
God gregs mom is such a cellfuck!
by Gray April 24, 2005
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You are ridin down the street and a nigga beats you and steals your bike you say NSMB!!
by Gray March 5, 2005
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After you smoke some weed, you get a little giddy. Then Phase 2 comes and you get completely stoned and start really feeling baked.
Dude are you high?

A little bit, I'm waiting for phase 2.
by Gray July 26, 2008
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3 handles a week,smoke everyday, and home to the goofiest fuck around, flounder.
by Gray February 23, 2003
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The greatest football (or soccer to yank wanks) team in the universe. Also known as Birmingham City FC.

See also bluenose & bluesfukingawesome
by Gray October 30, 2004
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