40 definitions by Graham

Being Chinese and throwing all over the back of a public bus and then flicking the chunks off of your shirt onto bus patrons.
I tonged like 40 times last night
by Graham January 20, 2004
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Basically means 'to feel cheated'. Has a strong element of the subject (by whom is swizzed) being cheap / nasty / predictable / boring
'I feel totally swizzed by that poxy night out with those generic, brainless mongs.' Usually gay men, in my case.
by Graham November 25, 2003
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Having one's pants pulled down
"I got pansted today at school."
by Graham February 11, 2003
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Slang shortform of 'evangelism'. Used as a noun describing the act of 'reaching out', talking to strangers in public about Jesus Christ, or their faith.
'So Rich, are you up for doing some vangie tonight on Tooting Broadway after work?
by Graham January 10, 2005
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A random sound that can be made at any period of time. Usually said when something funny happens
by Graham September 15, 2004
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The erogenous teather of the ridged band also called Taylor's band to the frenular delta and glans penis. Provides sexual pleasure when stretched by retracting the foreskin also serves to keep the foreskin forward protecting the glans penis and meatus.
When the penis becomes erect the traction on the frenulum provides extreme pleasure for the male.
by Graham January 4, 2004
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A load of crap learnt in sixth form colleges. covering religon, art, literature, science and maths
by Graham October 20, 2003
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