4 definitions by GoingLikeSixty

When a twat keeps tweeting about the same thing over and over. Oh, Oh, Oh!
That weather twat is having a twittergasm about the bad weather coming.
by GoingLikeSixty April 2, 2009
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The game played by crack babies when they grow up to become old enough to leave the house (usually around 3 years old.)
Let's go play hashtag over by the poppies.
by GoingLikeSixty May 15, 2009
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SCREWS (acrynonym): Scrub Caring, Really Epic Weekend Started
Why aren't you at work Mr. Spitzer?
by GoingLikeSixty February 20, 2009
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Any Drinking Intended to Obscure Saturday
ADIOS: An acronym which describes the reasoning behind a Friday Night bender.
by GoingLikeSixty February 20, 2009
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