2 definitions by GeoGenius#4210

One hundred thirty-five million, five-hundred seventy six thousand, two-hundred forty-five. This number means nothing except for 135,000,000 + 576,245 and other variants.
Friend: "Yo dude, you know that one number?"
Other Friend: "Which number?"
Friend: "135,576,245"
Other Friend: "oh. yeah."
by GeoGenius#4210 December 12, 2020
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When you type in a sort of 3x3 grid and only typing the outermost squares, or in a diagonal pattern skipping every single center character.
Child with ADHD: I did it! I did it! I found a completely unique keyboard combination that has google results that aren't definitions! Qzectbumol is the key to everything!
Their parents: He's gone mad!
by GeoGenius#4210 January 11, 2022
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