9 definitions by FF29

A Manchester United account on Twitter who for some reason hates everything about Manchester United due to the Glazers' ownership.

He recently got ratioed heavily on Twitter by Manchester United player Andreas Pereira after he criticised his performances.

It is unknown whether this guy is a troll or not as his account is pretty much anonymous.
'The Glazers just said they wont sell Manchester United, I bet MikeLUHGv7 is fuming'
by FF29 July 6, 2020
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Someone who acts like they know the ins and outs of a sport despite never having actually participated in it and having accrued all of their knowledge of the game from watching matches on TV.

Armchair experts typically criticise players way too harshly or referees/umpires for decisions that are very hard to get right, even though most armchair experts would fail to run 100 metres without passing out.
Man 1: "How is he not getting to that ball?!"
Man 2: "There's no way he can possibly get to that, you're such an armchair expert.
by FF29 September 12, 2020
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A deluded liverpool fan who attacks other liverpool fans for questioning the club, branding them fake fans and telling them to go support someone else.

A top red believes liverpool are incapable of doing wrong and that all of our players and academy players are the best in the world.

They will get incredibly annoyed and insecure when you question them and will usually respond with something good about the club which is entirely unrelated to the topic at hand.
Normal LFC fan: I don't understand why top reds don't question fsg.
Top red: f**k you c**t fake fan go support someone else FSG uber alles you FIFA virgin
by FF29 June 5, 2020
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In association football, doing a Fulham is getting promoted from the Second Division and spending a load of money on transfers only to go straight back down.
"With all this money Villa are spending it would be hilarious if they start doing a fulham"
by FF29 July 23, 2020
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Person 1: I think arsenal are better than Man United
Person 2: Stfu u biased cunt
Person 1: cdv
by FF29 January 1, 2020
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Amateur football typically played on Sunday mornings which consists of a low standard of pretty much everything including players, quality of football, referees, coaches and pitches.

Most sunday league games consist of players missing sitters, delivering obscenely bad tackles and being hungover from Saturday night all whilst playing on a pitch that is soaked in rain and mud. The tactical genius of the managers extends to unique phrases such as "man on" and "pass and move".

All in all an enjoyable pastime despite all of the broken legs.
I had to go to the hospital after some maniac broke both of my legs in a sunday league game.
by FF29 September 14, 2020
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A section of Twitter (specifically FT or Football Twitter) which consists of absolute dangers who beg for follow backs (hence the FB) and spout garbage including their football opinions, which for the most part are absolutely terrible, and spouting offensive tweets including mocking disasters or people's appearances, despite 99% of FBFT having never shown their face. 99% have also never communicated with a woman who isn't their mother.

Their football AVIs and handles give them anonymity which means they can say whatever they want without consequence. It is advised not to engage with such creatures.

It is important to note they do not represent the whole footballing community.
Ffs, I've got fbft virgins in my mentions again
by FF29 September 28, 2020
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