2 definitions by Everyonelovescats

Someone who is very compassionate and caring for you. They will do literally anything for you no matter what. Just like a dog, they are very loyal and will always come back even if you've hurt them. Pets are a great friend to have and will do everything to make you smile and won't give up until they have. If your a pet you are pretty determined for people who are worth the time. If you have a pet they are better than a best friend, they are great companions for everything. If you need anything your pet will be there with you through your ups and downs. If you are sad, just call over your pet and they will be a shoulder for you to cry on.
by Everyonelovescats July 26, 2015
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Someone who is very compassionate and caring for you. They will do literally anything for you no matter what. Just like a dog, they are very loyal and will always come back even if you've hurt them. Pets are a great friend to have and will do everything to make you smile and won't give up until they have. If your a pet you are pretty determined for people who are worth the time. If you have a pet they are better than a best friend, they are great companions for everything. If you need anything your pet will be there with you through your ups and downs. If you are sad, just call over your pet and they will be a shoulder for you to cry on.
by Everyonelovescats July 26, 2015
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