5 definitions by Eskimo

One who mongs crack, as in the cocaine kind or the posterior kind, or if you are Caleb
Hey man, want some crack!
No, go away Caleb(synonomous with crackmonger)
by Eskimo October 20, 2004
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An interogative interjection
synonyms; what, huh, etc.
by Eskimo October 20, 2004
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The result of a party foul, i.e. passing out with your shoes on. Dick facing is the writing or drawing mainly on somebodies face, but also applies to the rest of their body, with a permanent marker, including but not limitied to, a large penis drawn strategically next to the mouth or pointint towards the ass, writing "I love penis(semen, cum, dick etc...)"
"Dude the new kid passed out in the closet so we all dick faced him...too bad he has a job interview in about an hour:"
by Eskimo November 5, 2007
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A kidiot is a combination kid and idiot; basically a kid that has so little a clue as to what he/she is going, that they just BS their way through it.

Synonyms: flamer, Patamonkid
Some Kid: Did you hear that new Pokemon game just came out?!
You: Dude... STFU... Pokemon is gay.
Some Kid: NUH UH! im gay im gay blah blah blah I WIN!!! POKEMON ROX!!!
You: Bah. Riddled by another kidiot... I feel dumber just by being in your presence!
by Eskimo November 19, 2002
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People who live in igloos in the arctic
We visited alaska and met some eskimolians and they showed us their igloos.
by Eskimo August 10, 2017
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