6 definitions by Eoy

A person who thinks they are a thug but are really a freshmen that thinks high schoolers are all gangsta like
Dude that thug nugget just tried to sell me weed.
by Eoy February 29, 2008
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1) Not the pwn, but just the oppsite.
2) A person who thinks they are the Shit but they are not
3) A retard who thinks he knows all about video games
Dude, Adam is the anti pwn
by Eoy February 29, 2008
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To be pwnd by a noob
Dude that guy just got noob pwnd
by Eoy February 29, 2008
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A group of people at your school that hang by the art room and when out of school all they do is smoke pot
Stay away from the art room that is where the pot jockies hang.
by Eoy March 1, 2008
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A insult to a person that is good at a game but uses noobish tatics in an attempt to win the game.
Dude! That guy is a noob nugget because he is using an M16 with an acog scope with red tiger camo.
by Eoy May 4, 2008
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Meaning Oh my god but the a is added to flow better when you are talking.
by Eoy March 2, 2008
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