4 definitions by Emmaedamae

A homeless person. This word is usually used by people who do not have sympathy for homeless people. Someone who runs a homeless shelter would never use the word hobo.
You're seriously wearing plaid? It makes you look like a hobo, Jesscia.
by Emmaedamae October 29, 2014
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A disease spread through bodily fluids (NOT SALIVA). Uneducated people think you'll get Ebola whenever you're near anyone with it and scream "EBOLA!" everytime someone coughs or sneezes. The flu is more contagious than Ebola.
*Person coughs*
Educated person: You can't get Ebola from spit. You could make out with that person and you wouldn't get it that way, dipshit.
by Emmaedamae October 29, 2014
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The dark har on some female's upper lip.

Female + moustache = femstache
Did you see that woman? Her femstache was so hairy it looked like there was a fuzzy caterpillar on her upper lip!
by Emmaedamae October 29, 2014
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Another word for god. Gosh is to God as heck is to hell. Oh my gosh, what the heck.
Oh my gosh Cassidy! I can't believe Georgia wore BLUE eyeshadow today!
by Emmaedamae October 29, 2014
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