9 definitions by Elise Miller

The mutually exclusive love between Apple and its customer when it comes to all things "i".
They were so wrapped up in their iLove on Friday. It was 8p.m. in NYC. The Apple Crew kept cheering the customers on, down to the very last person in line.
by Elise Miller June 30, 2007
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The aggregate of your credibility on the internet, i.e. Yahoo!, Lycos, MySpace, Secondlife, Ebay
How's your I-cred? Its up in Yahoo! and down in Blogger.
by Elise Miller May 23, 2006
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Stress for under one US $1. Beyond absolute stress. When your body reacts to a great loss. Such as losing everything you have all in a matter of minutes.
'What is chickenpox?' she asked 'Its an attack on your nerve that runs from one side of your body's eye, to heart, to back to knuckle.' 'Uh' she replied, 'That is extreme stress. That doesn't sound like a disease it sounds like exteme stress.'
by Elise Miller October 22, 2006
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Causal relationship created by the demography issues of Democratic Presidential '08; i.e. A white Baby Boomer woman ran against a multiracial male who is just two years off of Gen X and at the tale end of Baby Boomer..

The words "gender" and "generation" came to a head butt when Barack Obama ran against Hillary Clinton in Presidential '08; it created genderational change.
by Elise Miller March 6, 2008
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The theft of iPod, iPhone and like gadgets on the NYC subway.
He was late, very late. When he came in he didn't tell me that he had been a victim of pickPodding along with his identity. But he had and he still doesn't have his identity back.
by Elise Miller June 30, 2007
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The fanatical desire for an iPhone. The all consuming ilove for all things Apple and the desire to be iloved back by Apple in return.
I tried to control my iWant as I passed the 59th and 5th Apple glass. My iWant passion was overcome by the reality image, scuffling, shoving, elbowing, pickPodding, what my iPhone's ride on the subway would be.
by Elise Miller June 30, 2007
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Stripping the excess chatter and clutter from a brand or its event. The strip act can be self-achieved or done by others. Basically, just keep it simple, when it comes to product information yellout.
Austin Power ripoff and the use of pimp in any variation is so last year. Unbuzz me. Venus said.

"There is not enough reality here, unbuzz me." Trendy said.
by Elise Miller July 2, 2006
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