28 definitions by El_Haggis

An infamous serial killer/rapist who stabbed this one girl up the Paris Hilton.
The Boston Strangler could be comparable to Jack the Ripper.
by El_Haggis September 10, 2006
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The fishie that took the bait and hasn't quite felt the hook.
I pity those Scientologists.
by El_Haggis September 13, 2006
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A branch of private schools commonly found in mainly the US and Germany, and were founded by the Austrian Anthrposophist philosopher Rudolf Steiner.

Although Waldorf Schools are legitimate schools, critics continue to claim that the school is a cult, and that students are indoctrinated with the ideals of Anthroposophy. Though these allegations are probably false, Waldorf Schools do use some methods which may appear outdated or silly.

But overall it's a pretty good school.
Waldorf: the only school that is also the name of a salad.
by El_Haggis September 10, 2006
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Hometown of the University of Texas, and the Live Music Capital of the World. Arguably the greatest city in Texas, which is an easy thing to say when compared with the nearby College Station.

Austin is the only major liberal stronghold in Texas, and because of that, Republican "politicians" such as Tom DeLay, among others, once tried to remove Democrats such as Lloyd Dogget by redistricting all of Texas.

Birthplace of Whole foods, Amy's Ice Creams, the Aggie Joke, Michael Dell, that guy who plays the bongos naked (not Leslie), along with various other famous hippies.
Austin: currently being encroached upon by Conservatives and Californians.
by El_Haggis September 10, 2006
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A money cult founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. It is centered around the belief that aliens invaded the world and brainwashed us, and that Hubbard is a kind of Messiah whose ideas will lead us to wisdom.

Here's the catch: You have to give lots of money to the Church of Scientology if you want to get in, and they use this money to buy everything from pamphlets to enormous cruise yachts, and because they're considered a religion, they don't have to pay the taxes we do!

Yet for some reason, many people in Hollywood, most notably Tom Cruise, buy into this "religion". And whenever someone tries to reveal the truth about Scientology on a large scale, or accuses the mod larsony, the Scienstapo will harass them by incessant sueing.

So in short, Scientology is just another cult.
Dealing with Scientology:

Scientologist: "What are YOU doing?" <takes out pamphlets>

Random person: "Avoiding a Scientologist."
by El_Haggis September 10, 2006
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Made obsolete by the Neocons.
Thanks to the Neocons, Godwin's law is now obsolete.
by El_Haggis September 9, 2006
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