28 definitions by El_Haggis


Karl Rove's burlesque-show whore

Speaks poison to unwitting neoconservatives.

The floozy whose dispicability unites both Liberals and Moderate Conservatives. Thank you Miss Coulter.
Ann Coulter is the ugly face of the neoconservatives.
by El_Haggis September 9, 2006
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Origianlly a very derogatory word for an Irishman, not always used as an insult nowadays.
in the 1700s-1800s, the English often referred to the Irish they oppressed as "uncivilized bogtrotters", as the English have historically had the habit of calling anyone of a different nationality "uncivilized".
by El_Haggis September 12, 2006
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A group of neocon "FREEDOM-FIGHTER" college students whose main objective is to scare the "LIBERAL PUSSIES" out of their right to freedom of speech by crashing their "FASCIST DEMONSTRATIONS", and to squeal about the left, and allow people like Ann Coulter to trample over the dignity of the Liberals.

Of course, their bark is much worse than their bite.

The only reason why anyone knows about them is the fact that so many people are so scared of them for some reason. These ingrates "FIGHT" to dismember things like the ACLU, yet it is the ACLU that allows them to exist. Even though they are militantly pro-war, most of them don't enlist, and thus aren't even willing to defend the ideals they champion.

I say to Liberals:
Don't beat up on the wee "PROTEST WARRIORS", they aren't worth your stones and fists. Just don't listen to them. They have the right to exist as a group, but never forget that you do to.
It's about time that we stop paying attention to these opportunistic and self-deluded snobs, or else we'll end up in a place as hopeles as theirs.

And also remember: America was not founded as a nation of Conservatives or Liberals.
Protest Warrior = peaceful terrorist = something scary but unable of fighting.
by El_Haggis September 16, 2006
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The hat worn by crazy French Revolutionaries, who were obsessed with the word "liberte'". The cap idea was stolen from the American Revolution, although they originate in Ancient Rome. They are often associated with the Freemasons, who played important roles in both revolutions.

Liberty Caps soon became synonymous with French patriotism and hatred of the aristocracy, just as Freedom Fries have become synonymous with Bushist "patriotism" and paranoia towards The French.

Ominously similar to those floppy hats worn by the Smurfs.
"A sea of red liberty caps swarmed about the guillotine." -Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities"
by El_Haggis September 9, 2006
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The brave scot who triumphed over Prou' Edward Longshanks and his English cronies at the Battle of Sterling Bridge. He was soon defeated at the Battle of Falkirk, mostly do to snoody Edward buying all of his allies.
Contrary to Braveheart, William Wallace did not have a mullet.
by El_Haggis September 11, 2006
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An infamous serial killer/rapist who stabbed this one girl up the Paris Hilton.
The Boston Strangler could be comparable to Jack the Ripper.
by El_Haggis September 10, 2006
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