7 definitions by DrMeandudeMD

Soccer Mom's Ultimate Vehicle. These are created so that soccer mom can drive her little unwanted bastards to band practice and the soccer field in confort.
It is not uncommen for Soccer mom to driver with a cell phone stuck in her ear and trying to yield a 2 ton vehicle with one hand.

Be alert for these. They are often seen upside down, swerving heavily, or 3 feet away from the outside traffic line, or augerred into the hillside.

While they do offer 4 Wheel drive Soccer Moms and yuppies never have a use for this feature. The only off-road duty these see is when they back up into the flower bed.
Vicky wont be able to drive her SUV if she keep cracking it up on the interstate.
by DrMeandudeMD October 6, 2006
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Cartoon parody of Profession Wrestling enjoyed by children world wide.
Id rather watch WWE RAW then TNA mommy, they have John Cena, the Undertaker, the Rey Mysterio, and theres alot less wrestling.
by DrMeandudeMD October 8, 2006
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1. Often used to describe a man suffering from sexual confusions and of low intelligence.

2. A Unrightious Mother Fucker
by DrMeandudeMD October 8, 2006
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A man or woman with an unquenchable fetish for slapping others on the buttocks
Trish can be a real slapster at parties.
by DrMeandudeMD October 6, 2006
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1. An Excuse to fill sports coverage air time.

2. A Terrell Owens is like a dancing bear. Its like the kid at recess you throw quarters at and watch him pick them all up, then blast him in the head with a quarter while hes bent over.

3. An attention whore. Terrel Owens is a prime example of the episode of Spongebob Square Pants when Spongebob Square pants keeps ripping his pants for laughs.
Terrell Owens attempted Suicide for attention.
by DrMeandudeMD October 8, 2006
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1. Term used to describe a homosexual. They usually enjoy pounding asses.
2. refers to one a less intelligence, used as a come back to a stupid sexual reference.
3. to jerk one's self
That Dickslapper stole my last banana.
by DrMeandudeMD October 8, 2006
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WWE loses in the ratiungs to Spongebob Squarepants, and yet thinks they are in the same audience as Monday Night Football.
by DrMeandudeMD October 8, 2006
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