6 definitions by Dr.Cain

The Ottawa Senators were brought back as an expansion team in 1992 in order to bring back respectable hockey to Ontario since the Leafs and their fans are a total embarrassment to the sport of hockey. While the Sens started out as one of the NHL's worst teams by far, they have since evolved to become one of the league's elite teams. Quite simply put, the Senators have become the most fearsome team in Canada. No direspect is meant towards 4 of the other 5 canadian teams but the Sens are as good as a hockey team can possibly get with the exception of the Montreal Canadiens in their glory days of course.
Ottawa has managed to score more than 300 goals this season. They actually have scored more than any other team. Only Detroit has allowed less goals than Ottawa. The Ottawa Senators actually have good chances to win the Stanley Cup. Which is very much unlike the other Ontarian team.
by Dr.Cain April 14, 2006
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Good team whose stats are incredibly beefed up by the fact that they play in the Central Division which is easily the weakest in the Western Conference AND the NHL overall. 24 of their 82 games have been played this year against Columbus, St-Louis and Chicago. All of those teams are struggling like hell to get a win every 5-10 games. They're just no match for Detroit who gets all those free points with almost no effort. Despite all this, Detroit does indeed rock and is one of the better teams in the league. Still, if they played in a better division, they would have at least 30 less points or so.
Detroit Red Wings Fan: Wow, our Wings are so good. They beat Chicago which doesn't even have half the wins they have! It's so amazing. We truly have the best team even though everybody else has to play often against way better teams.
by Dr.Cain April 14, 2006
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The most overrated team in NHL history. Also proudly owns the nhl's worst logo and worst name. To their credit, they used to be good. A long long time ago in 1967, I believe, they managed to win their 13th and final cup. Now, they can't even make it to the cup finals. Will miss the playoffs this season thanks to lousy coaching, too much reliance on power play and of course just plain bad, underachieving players. The Leafs also happen to have the most terrible fans in the nhl. Somehow, those clowns still think the Leafs will make the playoffs even though they're almost totally eliminated. They also believe they'll win the cup... But no worries. Soon, Leafs fans will be able to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their last Stanley Cup. If you live in Toronto, do yourself a favor and root for any other team. The Ottawa Senators are a good pick. Or the Montreal Canadiens who actually have won a Stanley Cup during current fans' lifetimes.
If the Toronto Maple Leafs had won a few games against the Ottawa Senators this season, they'd be contenders for the playoffs. But what can I say? The Sens are a far superior team.
10/5/05 Ottawa 3 at Toronto 2 (shootout)
10/10/05 Toronto 5 at Ottawa 6 (shootout)
10/29/05 Ottawa 8 at Toronto 0
12/17/05 Toronto 2 at Ottawa 8
1/21/06 Toronto 0 at Ottawa 7
1/23/06 Toronto 3 at Ottawa 4
3/4/06 Ottawa 4 at Toronto 2
As you can see, the Maple Leafs suck and are absolutely not better than the Sens.
by Dr.Cain April 14, 2006
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The Montreal Canadiens have by far the most interesting and most glorious history of any NHL team. While they have failed to live up to their legacy recently(mostly thanks to poor forwards who don't score enough and less than solid goaltending from propecia guy), you just can't argue against a team that has won 24 Stanley Cups and that has a rich history of great players like Maurice Richard, Guy Lafleur ,etc .... etc.... The Canadiens also happen to have the best fans in the league. The Leafs may have more fans but the Habs have the better fans. Bell Centre's always full. Most of the fans don't act like total morons and most importantly, they're respectful of other teams (except Leafs but they suck)
The Montreal Canadiens swept their most recent two-game series against the Leafs and also outscored them 11-3 when combining both games. Some Leafs fans were seen crying when they left the Bell Centre wondering how the almighty Leafs could lose agains t a team that has good coaching and a real goaltender like Huet. Leafs fans really need to convert. Also to them I say, the Habs may not have won the cup since 1993 but that's still way better than 1967.
by Dr.Cain April 14, 2006
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Technically an NHL hockey team. Also part of the original six. Actually the Blackhawks play some of the worst hockey in the league. They have only clinched a playoff spot once in the last eight years. Honestly, they're so embarassing that half of Chicago prefers to pretend the team does not exist. Their last Stanley Cup goes back to 1961. It's hard to imagine this team getting good again. What makes a lot of people feel sad for this team is obviously the fact that they're part of the original six.
The Chicago Blackhawks have the worst power play in the NHL. A season of 25 wins qualifies as a decent season for them. The Detroit Red Wings really like playing against the Hawks. Free points are always nice.
by Dr.Cain April 14, 2006
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Used to be a great NHL team with a great rivalry with the Montreal Canadiens. Now sucks so much that even Habs fans are starting to cut them some slack. Somehow, some poor excuse for a human decided it was a good idea to exchange by far their best player( Joe Thornton who leads the NHL in assists ) for a bunch of nobodies. Currently, the Bruins are battling it out with the oh so powerful Columbus Blue Jackets to avoid being in the bottom 5. That coming from the team which ended last season at the top of their division on top of that. How far the mighty Bruins have fallen.
The Boston Bruins lose in overtime more often than any other team in the league. We should teach them that losing in overtime is still nowhere near as good winning the actual game. Embarassingly enough, the Bruins are part of the Original Six... At least, they're still better than the Blackhawks.
by Dr.Cain April 14, 2006
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