3 definitions by Dr. Yohan Jacobs

Peacekeeping is the act of intervention within the current 16 UN pko’s in order to resolve an international problem
The peacekeepers intervened in the golan heights in order to resolve the problem going on between Israel and the Hezabollah rebel group on the Jordan River.
by Dr. Yohan Jacobs February 7, 2005
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A policy that interacts with another country and is meant to help it via peacekeeping or diplomatically.
The United States interacted with Iraq by sending troops there in order to resolve the rebel disputes between the civilians and the Ahzkaia rebel group.
by Dr. Yohan Jacobs February 7, 2005
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support is aid provided to resolve an international problem or money given to resolve an international dispute
by Dr. Yohan Jacobs October 25, 2004
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